How to Naturally Prevent Hair Fall with Eggs

In our previous article, we talked about how to prevent hair fall and improve hair growth with onions. Natural is always the best way to treat hair fall in that it is cheap and the habit is easy to maintain. The results may not always be seen after the first few tries but it will definitely happen and will definitely stay long, if not be permanent.

Today, we uncover another hair fall treatment and hair growth promoting natural remedy: eggs.

Eggs are very rich in protein. They are the go to ingredient for muscle building but they also help promote the growth of strong and protein-rich hair. The two components of the egg, the egg white and the yolk, both have their own properties that help hair in different ways. Egg white is a natural conditioner that helps the hair shine as well as regulate the oiliness of the scalp. The yolk is a very effective moisturizer that is great for dry and brittle hair.

You can use eggs in a couple of ways. One is to create what is effectively mayonnaise. Just whisk eggs and olive oil (you may add some fragrance oils to mitigate the egg smell although, unlike the onion, the pungency is very easy to remove by just washing) and apply it to the hair. This method on how to prevent hair fall and promote hair growth is focused in getting the proteins absorbed by the scalp.

Another method is by combining eggs with all natural yogurt. All you’ll need are eggs and yogurt whisked well together. This alternative is more focused on cleaning the dirt and product accumulation in the scalp since, by using yogurt, you introduce naturally cleansing mild lactic acid to your hair that helps wash away dirt, grime, and hair products.

If you do not have the time, you can also use mayonnaise especially that which has expired (just so that it doesn’t go to waste) but trust that commercial mayonnaise is going to have one or two additives to it unlike the recipes above. Another delicious way on how to prevent hair fall is by eating more eggs (preferably hard boiled or poached so you don’t have to worry about the cholesterol of fried eggs) to increase your protein intake and, in turn help you grow more hair.

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